Today the majority of the lifestyle diseases can be cured most effectively by the method of Natural Hygiene. They include obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases, fever, arthritic diseases, skin diseases and disorders of the digestive system, respiratory system and nervous system etc.
We use different methods of treatment from natural resources such as sunlight, water, fresh air and mud. The different methods of treatment are follows:
The spinal bath is an important form of hydrotherapic treatment.Spinal bath is very effective for the patients suffering from anxiety, sleeplessness, musculo-skeletal diseases, hypertension, stress, depression and back pain.
One of the most useful form of hydrotherapy is the hip bath.It is useful in uterine problems, constipation, piles, gastro-intestinal disorders, liver disorders and hepatic congestion.
It is very effective for patients suffering from eczema, allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma and rheumatism.
This treatment is helpful in skin disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiac ailments, fever, diabetes mellitus and kidney ailments.
This helps to keep the bowels clean.
The feet are immersed in hot water for certain duration. This treatment is effective for migraine, headache, asthma and insomnia.
The oil massage enhances the blood circulation of the entire body which helps in regeneration and revitalization of the entire body. It is the systematic and scientific manipulation of soft tissues for the purpose of normalising them. It also helps in strengthening the muscles and tendons.
Yoga is the union of all. Yoga is a way of life, an integrated system of education for the body, mind and inner spirit. Yoga is designed to develop mental facilities and concentration. The miraculous curative properties of Yoga asanas have been accepted worldwide. Meditation has been found to be very effective for all types of stress related disorders.